OVER A MILLION PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD PAUSE EACH DAY.. to consult parts from The Diamond Cutter for strategies on achieving their own financial and personal success. In ten short years, the book-which is based on the wisdom of the Diamond Cutter Sutra, an ancient Tibetan writing-has become a modern business classic, translated into more than fifteen different languages and used to build billions of dollars of new business around the world.
This updated edition includes the entire original book, along with a major new section called Diamond Cutter Success Stories. These are actual, firsthand accounts by people who have succeeded in using the book. You’ll hear from people like:
Linda Kaplan Thaler, who built a billion-dollar advertising company and wrote the bestselling business book The Power of Nice: “I owe much of the success of our company to the beliefs in The Diamond Cutter.
“Jill Murphy, a U.S. Army nurse who is serving in Iraq: “I truly believe that the way the principles found in The Diamond Cutter have worked here in our unit could be a model for ending this war, and all war in the future.
” William McMichael, an American Airlines pilot: “The cockpit used to be a tense place for me..I read and used The Diamond Cutter, and now my workplace has become dramatically more pleasant.
Lindsay Crouse, Academy Award-nominated actress: “I bought this book, went to a café, and read it cover to cover… NOW I teach my courses for actors blended with this ancient wisdom of the East.
” Ben Ghali, a vice president at Alliance Capital: “The Diamond Cutter helped me discover more precisely how generosity toward the poor was producing my Own success in the financial markets.
” Find out how you too can succeed in your life and work, and remember to look for the sequel to The Diamond Cutter, called Karmic Management: What Goes Around Comes Around in Your Business and Your Life. Also available as an eBook.