四步骤 爱的关系实践班一
茫茫人海里去哪里找相知相伴真爱之人? 一套找到亲密爱人觅得佳偶的实践秘方.
夫妻多年,感情淡漠,如何再燃激情 让他或她成为你眼中永远的情人 一执子之手与子携老的爱的实践秘方.
2023年2月15日 2:00pm – 6:00pm
原价:SGD388 / RM1242
特价:SGD88 / RM282
4 Steps Love Relationship Practical Class 1
Where can I find a person who can connect with me, who can accompany me, and who loves me in the vast sea of people? A set of practical recipes for finding a perfect match cum close lover.
How to rekindle the love between husband and wife after marrying for years let him or her be your forever love in your eyes The practical secret recipe to hold hands & growing old together.
15 Feb 2023 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Special Price: SGD88 / RM282
Standard Price: SGD398 / RM1242