❤️幸福有瑜 Yoga for Negative Emotions
课程Course Date: 17/3/2025 – 10/4/2025
上课时间Time:Every Monday and Thursday, 7.30pm-9pm
日期Dates: 3月March 17, 20, 24, 27, 31, 4月April 3, 7, 10 (8 天线上课 8 Live zoom class)
✅ 8 live classes & replays of live classes with YSI Instructors
✅ 8节YSI老师的直播课以及直播的录制
✅ 10 pre-recorded videos following drip schedule
✅ 10个按计划逐步发布的预录视频
✅ 4 pre-recorded guided practices incorporating course learning objectives
✅ 4个结合课程学习目标的预录指导练习
✅ Coursework & Exam downloads
✅ 课程作业及考试
✅ Lifetime access终回播
💁原价 Regular Price: SG405 / RM1314
👨👩👦团价(3人)Group price: SG336 / RM1094